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All downloads of this blog are exposed to non-profit, they are evaluations, so after 48h must be deleted if you do not have the original disc. Remember support artists by purchasing their albums.
It is responsibility of the user the use of the material.
Never a copy will be like the original.

miércoles, 21 de mayo de 2008

Imagine for The Peace

Mandemos este mensaje de PAZ a todos los rincones del planeta
Para luchar contra la guerra y la injusticia,
el maltrato y la muerte a inocentes.
Por que lo que mas desea la humanidad es la PAZ.

PAZ entre la humanidad.

Eliminemos la discriminación y el racismo.
Que de ellas nace solo odio.
Y el odio solo genera calamidad desdicha.
Fomentemos el amor.
Fomentemos la amistad.
Reguemos sobre el mundo
la muy añorada PAZ.


Send this message of PEACE to all planet's corners
To fight against war and injustice,
The battering and killing innocents.
Because what humanity desires the most is peace

PEACE between the humanity.

Eliminate discrimination and racism.
Only hatred born of them.
And hatred only generates calamity and misery.
Foster the love.
Foster the friendship.
Regan on the world
the much desired PEACE.


  1. "Imagine" - 3:01
    "Crippled Inside" - 3:47
    "Jealous Guy" - 4:14
    "It's So Hard" - 2:25
    "I Don't Wanna Be a Soldier Mama" - 6:05
    "Gimme Some Truth" - 3:16
    "Oh My Love" (Letra y música de John Lennon y Yoko Ono) - 2:44
    "How Do You Sleep?" - 5:36
    "How?" - 3:43
    "Oh Yoko!" - 4:20

A todos los que lean esto y posean un blog les agradecería mucho si copian esta entrada a su blog. Fomentemos la Paz.

To all who read this and having a blog would greatly appreciate if they copied this post to your blog. Promote peace.

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