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Todas las descargas de este blog no estan expuestas con fin de lucro; se exponen como evaluación, por lo que pasadas las 48h de haberlo bajado debe de ser borrado si no tienes el disco original. Recuerda apoyar a los artistas comprando sus albums.
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All downloads of this blog are exposed to non-profit, they are evaluations, so after 48h must be deleted if you do not have the original disc. Remember support artists by purchasing their albums.
It is responsibility of the user the use of the material.
Never a copy will be like the original.

jueves, 16 de octubre de 2008

The Village

01. Noah Visits
02. What Are You Asking Me?
03. The Bad Color
04. Those We Don't Speak Of
05. Will You Help Me?
06. I Cannot See His Color
07. Rituals
08. The Gravel Road
09. Race To Resting Rock
10. The Forbidden Line
11. The Vote
12. It Is Not Real
13. The Shed Not To Be Used


1 comentario:

Anfur dijo...

Este es una de las bandas sonoras más espectaculares, muy envolvente, triste o siniestra.

Buena aportacion.