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jueves, 1 de enero de 2009

Castlevania Order of Ecclesia

Lo termine de pasar mientras se subia; muy buen juego, se supone que el soundtrack viene con el juego, de todos modos aqui lo comparto.


Disc 1:
01 Dusk's Holy Mark
02 Testudo Quietude
03 Decants of Dawn
04 Ecclesia - Prologue
05 Gracefulness - Running
06 Twinkle of Wisdom
07 Elegy of the Crimson Gem
08 Prologue ~Again~
09 Harp of Germination
10 Oxidized Refuge
11 Mallow Serenade
12 Rhapsody of Fighting Spirit
13 Sea Route of Cutting Waves
14 Rhapsody of Indigo Sorrow
15 Cantus Motet
16 Scorched Earth of Solemnity
17 Thin Fog of Tree Colors
18 Cathedral of the Sacred Corps
19 Azure Wanderings
20 Distortion of Chilling Blackness
21 Lapis Lazuli - Colored Virgin
22 Rough - Stringed Heartbeat
23 Noble Musical Variation
24 Exciting Locus ~Conversation~
25 Spell of Sorrow
26 Sacred Road of Darkness
27 Exciting Locus

Disc 2:
01 Old Grudge of the Lord's Castle
02 Waltz of the Evening Moon
03 Fantasia of Beautiful Dreams
04 Dusk's Holy Mark
05 Prediction of Insanity
06 Malach's Labyrinth
07 Jet Black Wings
08 The Tower of Dolls
09 Gate to Hell
10 Gargantua
11 Fomer Room 2
12 Darkening Citadel
13 Symphonic Poem of the Satin Demon
14 Ricercare
15 Requiem of a Night of Falling
16 Time of Reunion
17 Time of Demise
18 Arabesque Canon
19 Talking About Equimpment
20 Aloof Challenge

22 Dusk's Holy Mark (Arranged)
23 Distortion of Chilling Blackness (Arranged)
24 Azure Wanderings (Arranged)
25 Rhapsody of Indigo Sorrow (Arranged)
26 Lapis Lazuli - Colored Virgin (Arranged)
27 Symphonic Poem of the Satin Demon (Arranged)


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