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Todas las descargas de este blog no estan expuestas con fin de lucro; se exponen como evaluación, por lo que pasadas las 48h de haberlo bajado debe de ser borrado si no tienes el disco original. Recuerda apoyar a los artistas comprando sus albums.
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All downloads of this blog are exposed to non-profit, they are evaluations, so after 48h must be deleted if you do not have the original disc. Remember support artists by purchasing their albums.
It is responsibility of the user the use of the material.
Never a copy will be like the original.

martes, 30 de junio de 2009

Fruits Basket

01 - For Fruits Basket - TV Edit
02 - Memory for you
03 - Secret
04 - Solitude
05 - Both Styles
06 - Im - Drummer
07 - Memory in daily life
08 - On The Stage
09 - Im - Chin-Don-Ya
10 - Going My Own Way
11 - Im - Fairy
12 - Psycho-Doctor
13 - Mysterious Family
14 - Memory at home
15 - Theme For The Landlady
16 - Theme For The Landlady (So Hard)
17 - Im - Hardworking Fellow
18 - Black-And-White - Normal
19 - Black-And-White - Hard
20 - Teru-Teru-Momiji
21 - Mogetai No Uta - Instrumental
22 - Memory on vacation
23 - A Hot-Blooded Man
24 - So Gorgeous!
25 - Forward-Looking Attitude
26 - Reason Of Quibble
27 - Fruits Basket - In Waltz
28- Chiisana Inori - TV Edit


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