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All downloads of this blog are exposed to non-profit, they are evaluations, so after 48h must be deleted if you do not have the original disc. Remember support artists by purchasing their albums.
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viernes, 14 de agosto de 2009

Nanny McPhee

1. They've Eaten The Baby!
2. No More Nannies
3. Secret Toast and Jam
4. A Clockwork Mouse
5. The Pink Chair
6. I Did Knock
7. Goodnight, Children
8. Measle Medicine
9. Soup Du Jour
10. I Smell Damp
11. Barnyard Fashion
12. Lord of The Donkeys
13. The Girl In The Carriage
14. Kites In The Sky
15. The Room At The Top of The Stairs
16. Toad In The Teapot
17. Our Last Chance
18. Mrs. Brown's Lullaby
Lyrics by Emma Thompson 19. The Lady In Blue
20. Bees and Cakes
21. Snow In August

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